Development of Vimala Early Intervention Center

n 1993, the Nirmala Sadan Centre for Intellectual Disability launched its early intervention initiative, filling a void in the availability of preschool and early intervention services in the local area. At thetime, there was limited awareness in society about the importance of early intervention, resulting in few reported cases initially. From 2001 to 2011, the number of children receiving intervention remained low, typically ranging from 20 to 30. However, after 2011, there was a gradual increase, reaching up to 50 children and beyond.

This trend is supported by census reports, which also indicate a growing recognition of the need for early intervention. Specialized departments, including special education, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and physiotherapy, were established to cater to these needs. In 2019, recognizing its expanded role, the Vimala Mahila Samajam renamed the centre as the Vimala Early Intervention Centre, consolidating its facilities into a multipurpose hall with integrated therapeutic services.

Following the pandemic, the centre expanded its reach beyond physical boundaries, introducing online intervention platforms to support children in need. Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19 waves, the centre has adapted and extended its services to ensure essential wellness support continues unabated.