Our Services

Want to know more about us or our services?

Our Departments

There are mainly 5 departments in this institution. Physiotherapy department ,occupational therapy department ,speech therapy department, special education department.

A paediatrician from Nirmala medical centre is visiting once in a month to see their progress and to check health issues if any we also referred children to orthopediatrician and neurologist for the diagnosis you orthotics and prosthetics also visit our department to work the orthotic devices for the children according to their challenge and need.

Special Education Department

Trained special educators how an inevitable role in early intervention and preschool program. Scientific checklists are used to filter the needed children. After assessment the special educator set goals for each child..

Occupational Therapy Department

In the field of early intervention the role of occupational therapy is to facilitate the independent functioning of infants and toddlers in their daily living situation.

Physiotherapy Department

Physiological diagnosis is such an important thing in early intervention. We are handling the cases of children with physical problem such as delayed motor development cerebral palsy, Corpus callous agencies, congenital sympathy , down’s syndrome and other orthopaedic problems associated with these conditions..

Speech Therapy Department

The main aim of speech and language therapy is right time age appropriate communication skills for children with developmental delay in speech and languages.

Learning Disability Department

From here children learn to break the codes.From small learning blocks to neural developmental issues are focused intensely and special interventions are given.

Group Activity

The place where all the learned skills get into the general structure.children learn to apply their specific skills in all areas of life including interpersonal interactions and relationships.At this stage they learn to be part of society as an active member.

Family Visits

Instead of the busy schedule we find time to visit families of these developmentally delayed children. Grandparents and relatives were given counseling and were also given instructions about the proper handling, management of self-care activities, positioning etc.

Making a New Generation

Apart from all these services ,one can’t deny the importance of setting up a new generation in early intervention. This unit also helps the trainees of Nirmala sadan training college for special education ( RCI approved centre in Kerala).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process of early intervention?
Early intervention means identifying and providing effective early support to children and young people who are at risk of poor outcomes. Effective early intervention works to prevent problems occurring, or to tackle them head-on when they do, before problems get worse.
What is the purpose of early intervention?
Early intervention services can change a child’s developmental path and improve outcomes for children, families, and communities. Help your child, help your family! Families benefit from early intervention by being able to better meet their children’s needs from an early age and throughout their lives
How long does early intervention last?
Children usually attend for 1-2.5 hour sessions,two or three days a week. It depends upon the diagnosis and progression of the child.
Does early intervention really work? When is the time to do this?
Earlier the better! Intervention is likely to be more effective when it is provided earlier in life rather than later.The connections in a baby’s brain is most adaptable in the first three- four years of life